Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fish and Fuzz

First off, for people who asked about my parents underwater lair, here is a link to my dad's pictures. Hope you like fish!

Now that the touch ups have dried, I'm starting the sealant. I'm using Varathane Satin floor finish, using a special floor applicator that helps to keep it from getting bubbles. The applicator has a long broom-stick handle, so its more like mopping than painting. Varathane recommends four thin coats of the stuff.

I wiped down the floor using a broom, a duster, a dust mop, and a wet cloth first. Even so, the first coat is rife with cat hair. Since 2/3 of our cats are black, the hairs are very obvious and very gross. I'm totally unhappy with the way it looks. The purple hair you see there is mine. I'm going to have to paint over where it was, because it has stained the floor. (Punk-girl Problems!)

I talked with one of the guys at my friendly local hardware store, and he recommended sanding with a super fine sandpaper so that it takes off only the finish not the paint, then using tack cloth, which picks up dust and hair. I'm going to go over it by hand, and then apply the sealant without using the applicator's extender so that I can wipe up any hair as it appears. It's going to be labor-intensive, which bums me out because I thought I was almost done. I don't think i'm going to be happy with leaving it as-is though, because it'll constantly look like we need to vacuum.

No more treats for these cats until they stop shedding. I think my clothing is spreading hair into it too, so I think the next coat is going on clothing-optional. My mother will be so proud.

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