Friday, July 26, 2013

Regularly scheduled programming

In the last two days since The Poopstorm of 2013 and The Great Disinfection, I've been sanding down the finish with a super-fine sanding cloth, and wiping up with tack cloth trying to get as much hair out as I can. Then I follow with a coat of the poly. Its working, in that there is slightly less hair in between when I sand and put on the poly, but the poly seems to drag more hair into it no matter what I do. I'm making peace with the fact that there will be some hair in the finish no matter what I do. Hopefully no one looks too closely at it.

I've been doing this in my underwear mostly, because every piece of clothing I have is covered in cat hair or sewage water. (The perils of having three fuzzy cats for roommates.) Today, my neighbor made the mistake of trying to peer through the tiny hole in my window from his garden path while I was working on the floor. I rest assured that he has learned a painful, but important lesson about the perils of nosiness.

I'm not terribly happy with the poly, it's yellowing really fast. I thought I had gotten a non-yellowing poly, but its turning my pink an annoying peachy color. I'm not sure if I'll use the same brand if I do the rest of the house. After the water damage, it seems I will be doing the downstairs hallway at the very least. What I will do on the rest of the house, is indulge my inner goth. Darker colors will mean the cat hair in the finish won't show up so much. No more of this white-based crap. It's all going to be dark enough to make my mother frown.

No pictures of the floor today, I'm going to wait until its finished in a few days to post the final pics. Right now just one more coat of poly and then I'm going to let it all cure for three days before moving in the furniture. Instead, here is a picture of the Roots Of Unusual Size that the nice man from Roto-Rooter pulled out of the sewer pipe.

 My plan for preventing this all from happening again involves seeding the sewer with pearl-clad alligators to eat the R.O.U.S.

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