Sunday, July 7, 2013


Ok maybe just Tape. Today we're working on the design. I'm using a design from some target packaging as inspiration.

I'm changing up the colours a bit and it won't have any of the text, though I do appreciate the sentiment of "can't get enough sugar on a stick." When we picked up the paint, the lady at the register asked if we were painting a nursery, which wouldn't have been as funny if I hadn't said "I hope no one thinks we're painting a nusery" two minutes earlier. Stupid babies and their stupid pastel-liking. She also told us the room would be good for twins after I told her that I was painting a circus room. I like to think she meant the Siamese variety. (For shopping list: conjoined Siamese cats.)

I'm using Frog Tape, which I've never used before, mostly because Pharaoh suggested it after seeing advertisements on some of his favourite daytime TV shows. Taping out the design was harder than we expected because of the way the book cases throw off the squaritude of the room, and also maths.

We wound up eyeballing a lot of it, and it's not going to be perfect, but I think that's ok in a cotton-candy design. Plus I can always cover it up with a zebra-striped rug.

I put down the first coat of pink (Valspar satin porch paint in Prom Pink). The pink isn't as PINK!!! as I'd like it to be, but it definitely feels like cotton candy.

Once the pink has dried for 6 hours and i can walk on it, I'll put down the first coat of blue. In the meantime, we have kinda a modified rising-sun thing going on. 

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