Monday, July 1, 2013

Grey Elephants on Parade

It’s painting day, it’s painting day!!

Right now we’re having a heat wave (a tropical heatwave!). Ninety degrees makes it difficult for me to motivate myself to leave the wonderfully air conditioned bedroom and paint, but I dragged my sweaty rump up and out to attempt the first coat. The color is Elephant Grey by Valspar, and I’m using porch paint, which I’ve never used before.  This will be the base coat, I'll be adding other colors and designs on top once it's dried for three days. Yes, the name played a role in my choice of this color, Elephants are natural predators to clowns.

I dunno if it was the super smooth sanding, or the paint, but it went on super easily. Painting the whole room took less than an hour.
I started with the edges. This was a bit problematic because of the carpet still under the bookcases. It produced all sorts of fluff and dust when the brush came close, so I spent a lot of time wiping down both the brush and the floor. I think I got most of the fluff up. Pee corner was also a bit rough, as there was some junk under the molding moldings that Stanley (my new shop-vac) and I had missed. I sort of wish we'd done the molding around the edges to block off the carpet first, but my parents are currently at their undersea lair, and I'm not yet wise in the ways of mitering. Also I hate molding.

I finished off with a roller, and now just have to wait for tomorrow for the second coat. You can see that the edges are already starting to dry thanks to the heat, so the color will be a bit darker when dry. That bright blue spot on the floor is actually the tiny spot of sunlight coming into that room from between the tarps. It'll look less submariney when its finshed, I promise. Unless you're a fan of Operation: Petticoat, in which case it'll look a lot like a submarine at the circus.
Hooray! Current score: Ugly-ass Floors:0, Me:1.

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