Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grout as dark as my heart

OK, its a day of catch-up again. I've been in a flurry of activity, trying to get the backsplash finished so that my dad could help me with the plumbing. I used black grout for this tile too, but it was unsanded grout, so it has a slightly different consistency. It also made the tiles look WAY darker.

I don't mind the darkness so much, and as it dries it seems to be lightning a little bit, but the rad cracked glass tiles don't show up as much. Still, its functional and it's done on time, so I can't complain too much.

My neighbours, on the other hand, might. I've been dumping buckets of non-sanded death water over the porch, and it seems to have stained some of my plants. Now it looks like some sort of plague is spreading through my side yard. So that's going pretty well, I think. It's never too early to start decorating for Halloween.

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