Saturday, September 7, 2013

The raddest tile ever

Today was uber-productive. I found a vanity that I don't hate (though I may paint it a different colour) and squished it into the back of my tiny car.

Then my lovely assistant and I put up the glass backsplash. I went with the shorter size, which I think looks better.

The closet was the roughest past, it has some areas that will need paint touchup, but you can see the colour of the tile better in this pic. 

I used the cardboard that came with the tile as a spacer for most of the room, because it was falling behind the floor tiles when I used actual spacers. Its about the same thickness as the grout lines... hopefully it doesn't get stuck in there with the mortar.

The corners were a little bit rough, but it turns out this type of tile is crazy easy to cut, so filling in the gaps wasn't too bad. It doesn't look like a professional job, but it doesn't look terrible either. I think I'm going to paint the mortar line at the top to match the walls.

And here's a closeup so you can see the crazy crackleglass. I bought an extra mosaic today at lows, and the cashier flipped out about how cool they were and told me that I'd have "the raddest bathroom ever." So I've got that going for me...

Tomorrow, more black grout. Just when my feet are finally coming clean, too. 

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