Thursday, September 5, 2013


Ok, last post of the day, I swear.

Here's a picture of the tile when its dry and ungrouted. I like to think of this photo as capturing the tile's last few carefree moments before The Darkness.

The grout I picked is, indeed, black. I think it might be as black as my heart. The thing with grouting is that its a lot like frosting a really disgusting cake. You press the stuff into all the cracks and generally make a huge mess. This is the closet, so its a little messier than the rest.
Once all the cracks are full, you let it dry for a bit, and then wipe off the excess with a sponge and water. This is pretty easy except there's no immediate water source in the bathroom right now, which meant many trips outside to dump buckets of what can only be described as sandy, black, deathwater off the porch. 

It also meant I left a few blackish footprints on the destined-to-be-the-next-project carpet between the bathroom and the front door. Did I mention this stuff is really really black?

The final (still wet) product looks pretty good though, I think I'm happy with it so far. Next up, I have to work on the "backsplash" round the edges of the room, which will hopefully prevent any future sewage spills from entering the walls. I never want to redo this bathroom again.
And here's what it looks like dry: 

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