Saturday, September 14, 2013


Most of what remains to be done in the guest bath has to do with decorating.

Unfortunately, that meant going to Ikea and Bloodbath & Beyond today. A Saturday.

I think I might be experiencing PTSD from all of the crowds.

I picked up a chest of drawers to use for storage in the bathroom, and I decided that I really wanted it to be orange inside. The outside is a black/brown colour that is the darkest Ikea ever gets. Currently I'm spraypainting the pieces that make up the insides of the drawers.

I'm not sure why I decided to use spray paint. Something in my head said it would work well for this project, but other than the quick dry time, I'm kinda regretting it. So far I've been through a can and a half, and I think I'm going to run through four full cans of spray paint by the time I'm done. It may be because I'm using it on untreated pine, or it might be my technique. I probably should have used a primer or something fancy, but I thought the spray paint would cover it. Below is how it looked after one coat. It looks slightly less diseased after two.

My mother used to use a similar colour to paint the telephone pole near our house so that people could find our driveway. She was always afraid she would be caught defacing public property, and had a whole story worked up to explain to the authorities should they ever come calling. (Something about the local teenage miscreants or cows or both, I think.) I'm sure she'll find it homey.
I'm working on assembling the chest of drawers in the bathroom, because there's not a lot of space anywhere else right now. As it turns out, there's not a lot of space in there either, so it's a lot like playing Tetris. Since I'm stuck waiting until the spray paint is done now, I can't get much else done tonight, so the skeleton of a Halloweeny chest of drawers is hanging out in there by itself. I hope it doesn't get lonely.

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