Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The saga of the hallway begins

So while the grout in the bathroom was drying, and the sealer sealing, I made the decision to jump into painting the hallway. This might have been a bit premature, but my hand was forced by my furry roomates, who showed their displeasure at having their litterboxes relocated by peeing all over the carpet.

Since there was already a huge chunk missing thanks to the poopstorm.

There are a lot more staples and tack strips to pull up in the hallway than there were in the clownroom, mostly because the bookcases in the clownroom covered the edges, where the pointy bits hang out. The square footage overall may be slightly more than the clownroom, but I don't anticipate it taking as long now that I know the drill.

I haven't decided on an inspiration for this room. its a hallway, so its hard to be too creative.  I might try to match it a bit to the outside of the house, since its kinda a transitional area. Anyone have any ideas?

I forgot to take any "before" pictures, so these will have to do. I like to think of this as a giant, cat pee and carpet burrito.

You can see how much dirt has gotten through the carpet over the years. Part of the reason for doing this is to help keep that dirt out of the house. The main complication of doing this hallway is that we can't get out of the house without going through it, and the cats can't get to their litterboxes. So paint days may be kinda a challenge. Hopefully there are no more burritos in the future.

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