Wednesday, September 25, 2013


My friend Ken and I play a game. We call it Britney Roulette. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but had something to do with our mutual abhorrence/adoration of Kevin Federline. This lead us to exchange Britney-related holiday gifts for years, and somehow Britney Roulette was born. The rules are simple: load a Britney Spears album into your preferred MP3 playing device. Put it on random. Pray.

When Britney comes up (and she always comes up) you lose Britney Roulette. For me, this always happens at the most embarrassing moments.... When I've got punk music turned up to 11 in my car with the windows down... When I'm talking in vent in a raid group... Well, whenever there's any witnesses, random is almost guaranteed to decide that "Oops I Did It Again" is the way to go.

I tell you this, because I want you to understand that today's sanding session ended when I was reloading my sandpaper and lost Britney Roulette and had to go turn off my Ipod. It seemed like a good time to take a shower.

It's pretty easy to see the difference of the sanded vs non-sanded area with the 80 grit. You can see it takes off a lot of the gacky drywall, and generates a ton of gross red dust.


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