Friday, December 25, 2015


Mammals are the most under represented in my camera roll.

Most of the donkeys we have seen have been through car windows at 35mph. Which seems slow unless you take into account the crappy roads and wind that makes it feel like youre going 80. They exist though, we have passed several herds on the way in and out of town. They just sort of wander around doing Donkey Stuff, like eating, pooping, and making waffles.

Goats also indulge their wanderlust, turning up on the side of the road wherever brambles cry out to be eaten.

Then there is Carlito, who shows up for cheese at happy hour. He seems to enjoy protecting our porch from the dinosaurs. Probably where he got all those scars. He is happy to chase and bark at anything that moves, and has the dental integrity of a meth head.

He rolls with Daisy, who makes a bark that sounds like she has been a chain smoker for years. She is his partner in barking and chsasing.

I dunno if this guy is a mammal, but he makes me laugh every time i walk past him. I think hes a Canadian minion. 

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