Monday, December 14, 2015

"If you have a wiggle eye, it means that you will never die."

So proclaimed the mighty crab hunter last night at 1AM when none of us could sleep.  She said this was an old crab saying. 

As it happens, she has wiggle eyes a-plenty. Some "volunteers" were rounded up last night, and Crabby Funland is now open for business.

Santa Claws left my mother a lawn ornament to share with her crabs this morning.

I took a nap this afternoon, and when I woke up, one crab had been granted immortality (and nail polish!) We have speculated that the shellface will scare off predators.

Meanwhile, Iguana Playland remains popular, possibly thanks to the fact that it remains out of reach of my mothers paintbrush.


  1. Googley eyes make lots of things funny, but...
    If I ever get the chance, I am standing with the HCLF, despite the penalties of aiding and abbetting prisoners of war. For Great Justice!

  2. HCLF has been branded a terrorist organization by the leading Republican candidates. They will still allowed to buy weapons, but those with googley eyes will probably nt shoot straight.

    1. We rebranded, and are now known as Hermit Crab Lives Matter.
      We are also convening a summit of dignitaries to bring awareness to our cause.

      What do we want?
      Free crabs!
      When do we want it?
      Right now!

  3. Hermit crabs are armed ( they have many) and are rebelling against those who don't support the hermit crab beautification program ( HCBP)

    1. Despite the clause allowing crabs to bear arms (haha), I find that simply wearing shoes is 100% effective armor against their attacks!
