Saturday, December 19, 2015

Moar bats!

I have been working on my bat photographing technique. It turns out, the secret is to have a 6 year old help you out. I held the camera, and intreprid junior photographer Caylen hit the shutter. These were a joint effort. If you are creeped out by flying rodents, you can safely skip this post.

I like that you can see the sugar grains falling in this one.

Bats eat sugar like a fat kid eats powdered donuts. They have it all over their little furry faces, and it is kinda adorable. Unless you dont like flying rats.

We were outside for a belated happy hour when they started arriving. It felt like there were a million, but the most we got in one picture was ten.

It felt like chaos, but it turns out they were politely lining up to take their turns at the sugar bowl.

This guy saw us taking his picture and gave us a smile.

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