Friday, December 25, 2015

Wet Christmas

I think we are getting as close as it is possible to get to the Bing Crosby standard here. It has been raining heavily since about 4am... 5 hours and counting.

The ocean is apparently making its best attempts to reclaim the island. This isnt like Seattle rain, this is the type that makes you instantly soaked as soon as you open a window. The air feels heavy and damp, and even inside, anything paper is curling like its been dipped in water.  My mother has been told she can only pick two crabs for the ark.

It seems like as good a time as any to post some lingering animal photos. I will probably not be doing them two by two, because my parents never took me to the Bible World Kunuku (ranch) we passed on the way to the golf course. This is good, because there are few things I hate more than ranch dressing.

On to the animal parade! I would try to post a recording of my mother singing a song from Doctor Doolittle to the crabs, but it is too damn early in the morning for that s...tuff. Though there is currently a brief break in the rain, leading to a rendition of "itsy bitsy spider." Be glad im too busy typing to record. At any rate, the avians lead the parade, both alphabetically and in my camera roll. Look out, Tippi, here come the birds!

I didnt know Trupials wore trailer-park blue eye shadow until i took these pics. Now i think of them as the island's drag queen. They are pretty shy, and hard to catch without my closeup lens. Dont worry, small-town divas... It gets better!

Everyone thinks that Flamingos are divas, but its just cause they wear pink. Trupials would totally win in a drag battle. Maybe i watch too much RuPaul's Drag Race.

Chibi-chibi enjoy doing six impossible things before breakfast. They are, as my mother and a 50's sugar corn pops commercial say,  "shot with sugar, frou and frou!" They apparently sometimes just perch in the air.

Saffron finches normally come in pairs to feed at the sugar troughs. Ye shall know them by their orangey heads. 

Mock! (Yea-ah!)

Ing! (Yea-ah!)

Bird! (Yeah!)

Ring-eyed doves sort of look like pigeons with a target around their eyes. My mother names them all "Molly" because she has seen the Breakfast Club too many times. I am sure Molly Ringwald is delighted to be relevant here on the island. They are pretty shy and hard to capture.

Last up for this birdy round up is the blackbird. We have only had one visit at happy hour, and he is a little scruffy, but still my favourite. I like that they look like they are in silhouette even when they are not.

Moar aminals in next post! Mammals and crustaceans and lizards oh my!


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