Thursday, July 3, 2014

Crappy FunLand

My mother has embarked on her yearly misson to terrorise the local hermit crab population. She rounds them up under the cover of night and puts them in "camp" (a large tub on the porch.)

She calls this "Crabby FunLand" and insists the crabs enjoy it. They spend a good deal of time trying to climb each other to escape. As a result, loud knocking can be heard from that direction every few minutes as one falls off the pile or jostles another.

In what seems to be a further transgression of the Geneva Convention, she also paints them with nail polish. Doubtless this facilitates further tracking when she releases them once a week, and marks them as survivors to others of their species. This is one she has named "Starrystarry Night."

And meet "dotcrab" ("instead of dot com! its dot craaaab!") Dot crab also has two similarly dotted "friends" he would likely push in front of a bus if it meant he could escape.  She uses the tongs so she can paint them without being pinched. 

There was a ruckus this evening when one of the crabs moved the coral she put in to entertain them into the "food court". This involved a bit of yelling at the crabs not following the rules. (They also have a "swimming pool" with a "slide." i recommend they avoid the "showers.")

The crabs subsist on a steady diet of whatever she thinks to put in the tub. So far they have enjoyed whole wheat spaghetti, arugula, tomatos, and cheese. I got in trouble for suggesting things may shortly turn to cannibalism. I may sneak a dish of melted butter into the tub just to see what happens.

Today was the weekly releasing of the crabs, when the lucky chosen few are released into the wild to run around the pool and generally get as far from camp as possible. I was conscripted to film, while the neighbour took still photos. I edited the footage into a trailer here:

The raw footage can be seen at: 

She would like me to ask my friends to vote on which crab is better. Sooo please feel free to comment. I will post more as she paints them.

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