Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Obligatory Obelisks

The island has more obelisks than your average space odyssey. They are all colour coded so that you know where you are. Its a lot like playing any RPG.

Originally they marked loading points for the salt farms, but they seem to have diversified since then. The Original Obelisks were red, white, yellow, and blue. Blue and "red" are below.  (Yes, it looks orange to me too.)

We also spotted some Nouveaux Obelisks, dubbed the "LGBT" and "BeetleJuice" obelisks by my father. The LGBT obelisk marks a particularly shipwreck prone area of the coast that was formerly inhabited by an evil mermaidwitch. The colours represent the seven pirate bands, who would mark their treasure using their colour. This seems silly to me, why advertise your treasure?

Not sure what the Beetlejuice marker marks, it was out by the Witch's hut though, so i think probably some sort of ghoulish goings-on can be expected there during the full moon and/or soccer games.

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