Friday, July 4, 2014

No match for a good blaster by my side

Yesterday I dragged my parents to the local cemetary. We had seen it from the road several times. Its hard to miss a giant Buddy Christ with a film reel halo looming over traffic. My dad says he thinks this must be Jesus' grave. He was probably a diver. (The Jesus, not my dad. I bet his weight belt is really heavy.)

The island seems to be extremely catholic, though supposedly there are protestant leanings too. Im not sure Id be able to tell them apart, my faith runs more to the Pastafarian. We havent seen any signs of a local religion, I was hoping for some Vodoun or some interesting nature witchery, but if there is any its well hidden or long-since burned out. At any rate, there are a lot of crosses at the cemetary.

The graves are all crypts rather than underground, likely because its hard to dig here. 

There were at least four workers there when we went through, so I think the place does a fairly brisk business. Though no one appeara to be taking care of the grounds, so they may just be concrete workers. They didnt seem terribly distressed that I was taking pictures.

The crypts are just as colourful as the building, despite the fact I like to shoot them in black and white to spooky up the joint. Its hard to feel anything is spooky under a bright blue Carribean sky.

A lot of the graves have plaques from the 1800s and earlier, making them older than nearly all of the graves at home. It is easy to forget how long europeans have been here.

In addition to providing creepy grave markers, crosses also top the Highest Point on the island. 

Though maybe the whole place is just one big grave capped by a canary marker with vaguely vaginal cut outs. Isnt that how Lost ended? 

The local jewelry store sells some super classy religical artifacts, but judging by their display the ocean is a bigger seller.

Religion also found its way into my Lemonade. Or vice versa. If Reese's PeanutButter Cups and the 1980s have taught me anything, it was probably the result of a skate boarding collision. Its nice that god can take time to make me some Lemonade. Wish he would bring me a sammich too.


  1. I wonder if there's an ossuary hidden there someplace.

  2. I wondered that too, a lot of them were open ended and empty. i know in paris if graves dont get visitors for a certain amount of time they get emptied and recycled, and i wonder if that is happening here too. We passed a few other graveyards that were smaller, but even with a population of only 14k, id expect they would need more space than this.
