Sunday, July 20, 2014

Smurf no more!

First off, best birthday wishes to my dinosaur!!

The smurfy blue floor has been glaring at me since I got back, begging for attention. I decided to start today. The floor is still all taped out, though since I decided to change the colour scheme, I'm not sure exactly how it will look. The frog tape is also starting to peel up in a few places, probably because of the heat and time that it was on.

I decided to ignore all that and just put a red stripe on. The worst thing that can happen is that I'll have to paint black over it and spend time retaping, right?

Once the red was done, I filled in with two coats of plain black and one of black with the gritty junk. There are already two coats of blue, so hopefully this will be more than enough. This is probably the highest traffic hallway in the house, since it lies between my bedroom and the kitchen. When it is painted, I can't leave the bedroom, so I have spent a lot of time over the last few days locked in my bedroom waiting for it to dry.
Once its try, its susceptible to foot- and paw- prints, so I'm in a hurry to get it done as soon as I can now that it is painted. I gave it two days to dry trying not to walk on it much, then got out ye olde stencile.
I'm using paint I have left over from painting the cabinets in the Behr colour Sled. It's a darker slate grey than it looks in these photos. 

The good cat kept vigil at the bedroom door, just to make sure the pattern didn't get taken too far (the Supervisor is currently in lockdown to keep him from eating the wet paint.)

Although a brief inspection was attempted outside of the bedroom, it was short and uneventful. No paws were dipped in paint.

And return was made to the doorway without delay. It is sort of disturbing to paint with this much attention focused on me. Now I know how television feels!

Here's the nearly-finished product. It still needs to be touched up, and sealed on Monday.



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