Wednesday, July 9, 2014

this is how hot it is today

Even the lizards want to have a soak.

This iguana was sitting by the pool ladder with his tail in the pool when we went to cool off. my mother harassed him for a while. 

once we left him alone he moved onto the ladder. 

this, of course called for more harrassment. at the suggestion of the grand opening of Iguana FunLand he went all red october.

he chilled at the bottom for a long time.

my mother tried to lure him out.

once again, when left alone he got out of the pool.

Clearly literacy isnt an emphasis in Lizard School. This is pretty much the most exciting thing to happen so far today.

Speaking of harassment, groups two and three of the krabby kampers have been released.

Group Two (marked with x's "because they are Xcrabs like Xmen") got a night release around the pool.

Group Three ("purple, gold and orange. for soccer.") got a daytime release into the front yard. I look forward to tripping over them for happy hour.

Whiile group three made its escape, they managed to disturb another crab that had so far avoided detention. This was remedied in short order. I beleive he will be in the fifth wave.

Some crabs are better at hiding than others. 

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