Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Road Movie To Rincon

We went on another island tour today, to the other "city" of Rincon. which is where we toured the Cadushy Distillery.

on the way back, we stopped to see some petroglyphs, which are apparently caged for your protection.  

They are on an overhang in this cave, and would be hard to spot if it wasnt for the bars.

Im pretty sure its a treasure map and or indian penis grafitti. Here is the sign showing them, just in case you want to interpret them or the papiamentu language:

a yellow warbler adopted us here and hung out with the car.

The area also had a nice little cove with some nasty iron shore coral. 

The wind mills are generating electricity like crazy, because its always windy here, and... well... the island is owned by the Dutch after all.

And some more sea shots, because theres a lot of it here and its prettier than cactii.

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