Thursday, July 17, 2014

Eel feeding

I'm back home, but I still have some Bonaire content to go. I'm still sort of recovering and catching up from vacation, so I've been slow.

My last day in Bonaire, I was introduced to yet another "FunLand".

My mother, the self-proclaimed "Crab Decorator of Bonaire" took us down to the beach armed with turkey bologna to feed the baby chain moray eels.

The eels hide out under the rocks until theyre older, and will come out when tempted with lunch meat.

We saw about 7-8 of them, apparently there are usually more. 

Eels are creepy. They are like swimming snakes, only with less bones. Much like clowns, there is something menacing and alien-like about the way they undulate and dart around. So I took some video to show them. They will come out of the water for lunch meat, so be warned: should you take a turkey bologna sammich into the tide pools, you may not come out alive.
As you can hear, my mother was very concerned that each eel get some camera time. The other sounds you hear are not heavy breathing (I promise, eels are creepy) but the wind. It's pretty steady on Bonaire, and not something you notice in person, but makes for noisy video.

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