Sunday, July 6, 2014

"We're going diving, you're in charge of the crabs."

Today parents decided to go out diving, so I took a walk on the beach. As you can see, the beaches here arent exactly brimming with tourists. I did see two divers go past, but other than that, I saw far more pelicans than people.

I think the boat in this one is the boat that ships supplies to the island from Venezuela, which is about 40 miles south of here. No particular narrative on the rest, just birdy/beachy pictures. Seven pelicans in one photo is my record so far.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I could tell your dad was a diver based on the BIG HONKIN' WATCH on his wrist at the rum punch-up! Depth, 4 drinks!

    Hmmm... kickstarter for a BAC-monitoring watch, with a pace setting. Corrective shocks if drinking too fast or slow.

    Crap! Shhh.

    I hope they had good dives, and that brain-like coral pic made me happy.

    Hi, I'm Mugabo and I like to rowboatz.
