Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Does anyone here speak Jibe?

Initially when we turned off the main road and headed to Jibe City I misheard the name and was concerned that we didnt have Barbara Billingsley to translate for us. Turns out it is the local windsurfing area (though im still not sure why they use a condom in their logo.)

We had tried to come here during the first island tour, but it was packed with some kind of event so we skipped it until today. 

Jibe City is in a sheltered, shallow bay, which makes it sucky for diving, but great for sailboarding. The water is only about waist high until you get a few hundred metres out and it drops off.  We were there at about nine in the morning, before the windsurfers were awake. Both sails and boards remained quietly stabled.

Unfortunately, it was also before the sun was out from behind the clouds, so the pictures didnt turn out as exciting as they might have.

We saw some Flamingos fly past in the distance. As far away as they are, they were still over the shallow part of the bay.

My mother and I walked out a ways, while my father sat and did sudoku on the beach.

The water is so clear that even with the clouds, we could see fish swimming around us.

We watched several windsurfers head out. 

Then we headed over to the other section of the beach, which is more public. While Jibe City was mostly white tourists, the public area was all locals. The sun came out just as we were leaving Jibe City.

This area has a dock and some picnic shelters and was quite nice. It was a big change from the aggressively touristishness (lounge chairs, beach bars) of the Jibe City resort.

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