Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hard hat area

I dont mean to imply by the fact that I havent written about it lately, that my mother has given up her urban exploration and "borrowing" of building supplies. She took me over to visit a house near by that is for sale a few days ago (I'll post on that later) and today wanted to go visit the construction site just north of us. Construction on this site started sometime around 2008, at which point it was called "Delfins" (Dolphins). It has recently started again, though we hear from the neighbours that only two people ever work on it. The name is now "Chocogo," which means "Flamingo" in Papiamentu. My father (semi-)jokingly says it will probably be finished around 2035. There is one unit on the top floor that is currently being drywalled and looks the nearest to completion.

This place was a bit more nervewracking than Esmerelda to climb, as it is less complete and there are large holes and other hazards all over. As someone who falls frequently on level ground, being on the fourth floor with no railings is a bit scary.

The walk over there meant more pelicans. 

As we were leaving, there were two locals fishing on the beach. One would spot fish with a snorkel, and the other one tossed the net. They had a bucket of what they called "sardinia", but what my father says are "big-eye scads." 

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