Friday, July 11, 2014

Huts, Obelisks, and Stobas (oh my!)

In case my other note got hidden: the blogspot app is messing with the Order of Things. If you scroll back through posts, you will probably find new ones hidden before the Carribean Chillout post.

I'm leaving soon, so we are running errands and getting a last chance at pictures. Yesterday we went down to red slave huts so i could get pics of the obelisks i missed and some less orangey hut shots. It was a bit overcast (downright chilly at 80 something!)

Orange obelisk!

Red Obelisk!

White obelisk!

Now i think i caught them all.

Also visited Pink Beach for some pictures. Legend has it that it used to be pink from the same organism that pinks up the salt pans, but Hurricane Lenny took it away. No word on when the name will officially change to The Beach Formerly Known As Pink. 

I climbed to the top of this hill of coral to take pictures and it put me high enough to get one that spans the road. and shows both sea and salt pan.

We went to lunch at a local place near downtown. They had a one page menu, but inforned us the only things available were chicken (galina) beef (baka) or goat (kabritu) stoba. 

Stoba is a local stew/braised meat dish that is eaten with rice, sometimes you can get iguana stoba as well. I opted for the beef, while my dad got goat. My mother refused to get chicken because there was a rooster crowing outside, so she had a watermelon drink.

This is my baka stoba.

And the kabritu stoba and watermelon drink. The goat tasted a lot like pork to me. It was less gamey than I expected, and more tender. Both came with plantains and supermayoslaw, like you get with teriyaki in the states. 

The wind is so strong and constant that loose paper like napkins and restaurant bills have to be secured using whatever is around. This place had treasure chests of napkins on the table. 

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