Tuesday, July 1, 2014


a few people have asked what I am using to take pictures. On the island I am using both my crappy iphone 4 and a Nikon D90 digital SLR, along with Ken Rockwell's advice on its settings. If you have one of these cameras and dont know how to use it, his pdf is well worth the $5 he charges for it.

Pictures I take with the D90 look like this:

This is the ocean through the trees at a dive spot called "Witch's hut" after an old abandoned house standing there. Though apparently someone has recently been doing renovations, so it may become a fully functional house soon. I do hope it remains occupied by witches. Adding pictures below for those who have visited the island and want to see the new-news.

If a photo looks digitally altered, olde fashionede, or "weird" then it came from my iphone, using an app called hipstamatic, which automatically applies a bunch of effects. They look like this:

i post from my ipad, which connects only sporadically to the interwebs, so i am using the blogger app, which leaves much to be desired. it is almost impossible for me to post links after the first paragraph, and i cannot change the photo placement. Also I am usually writing late at night and not doing a ton of editing, because: tired. So apologies to anyone who notices my typos and bad grammar.

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